
In order to re-open a previous bgqmap submission, bgqmap reattach does so using the data provided by the output (logs files) of that bgqmap submit execution.

There are two main differences between the execution you run with bgqmap submit and the reattached one.

  1. Once you reattach, the maximum number of jobs that can be running in the cluster is reset to its default value. This is done to prevent a huge number of jobs to be launched all at once.
  2. If you have stopped the first execution, when reattaching, it will be running again and unsubmitted jobs will be launched.


bgqmap reattach [--logs <folder>]

Usage: bgqmap [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]…

Error: No such command “reattch”. (/home/ireyes/anaconda3/envs/bgframework) ireyes@lopez003507:/home/ireyes/projects/framework/bgqmap2$ bgqmap reattach -h Usage: bgqmap reattach [OPTIONS]

Reattach to a previous execution in FOLDER

Default FOLDER is current directory

-l, --logs PATH
 Output folder of the bgqmap log files. Default is current directory.
--force Force reattachment
--no-console Show terminal simple console
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


$ bgqmap reattach -l examples/output/hello --no-console
Finished vs. total: [2/2]
Execution finished